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What is VC Fit Club?

When you join VC Fit Club you become part of a group of women committed to get control of their health, body, mind and soul through customized nutrition and fitness programs.

No cookie cutter workout programs and fad diets...because they don't work!  You deserve to have a workout and nutrition program that's designed for you based on your goals, age, weight, fitness level and equipment availability. You also shouldn't have to deprive your body from foods you love! Dieting shouldn't be miserable and exhausting but instead you will be educated on the proper way to fuel your body based on your goals.


It's really simple! I say simple because it's all about balance and eating the rights foods while stilling enjoy the foods you love! 

I offer one on one coaching with customized workout programs to maximum my clients results. The program is designed to take the frustration out of dieting out and making the plan simple and sustainable. The VC FIT CLUB program includes macro tracking, sample macro plans, customized training, weekly check-in, accountability, one on one calls, phased goal setting, a fitness app and more! Please click the link below to setup a free consultation to see if it's the right fight for you! 


Check Out These VC Fit Club All Stars

"Valerie, Thank you so much for the last several months! You have been a true inspiration and I have enjoyed every workout with you. Have seen great results so far but not nearly close to looking like you so I am motivated to keep pushing . Typically worked out twice a week now I am working out 6 days a week, thanks to YOU! I am fitting back into some of my old shorts and have inspired others around me to work out and eat healthier (one is my hubby who has been working out with me). My legs feel and look stronger, I am losing weight and I am motivated to keep going. Followed your advice and started to write down what I eat and that was eye opening and allowed me to think twice before grabbing ice cream . Looking forward to continuing this healthy journey with you!"

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What I Do


Hi! I'm Valerie and I'm so glad you're here -


I'm a National Academy of Sports Medicine Certified Personal Trainer (CPT), and Certified Nutrition Coach (CNP), but my most important titles are wife and mother. Like so many of us do after child birth I struggled with self esteem, body image issues and depression due to not feeling comfortable in my own skin. Like all new mom's there was just not much time for the gym and once I got there I never challenged myself with the right workouts. With so many fad diets and weight loss programs out there I decided to get educated on nutrition and fitness and create my own program once I felt confident it could work for others. Enter VC FIT CLUB!  My nutrition coaching and philosophy is to make simple changes in our daily diet and has no crash diets, fads or gimmicks.  When combining both proper nutrition with consistent exercise our bodies transform physically, we gain the much needed energy to make it through each day and we see positive changes mentally.


One of this most common themes I hear from clients is the need for accountability and motivation.  My programs are designed to give you just that in addition to the daily nutrition tips and tricks.


You’re so welcome to VC Fit Club and I’m confident you can do this. I believe in you so you should believe in yourself!










Diastasis Recti and Postpartem Weight Loss

Nothing compares to the joy that a new baby brings. At the same time nothing compares to the changes that pregnancy imposes on the female body either.  Diastasis recti is common in women who are over 35, deliver a high birth weight baby, or have had multiple pregnancies. It's usually most noticeable right after delivery. Diastasis recti means your belly sticks out because the space between your left and right belly muscles has widened. You might call it a “pooch.”  As someone who has given birth to two children I know this all too well and have developed programs and exercises focused on resolving this very common occurrence.  

Certified Nutrition Coach

Most everyone is aware that true change starts in the kitchen. When combining the proper way to fuel our bodies with a well designed workout program we are able to achieve maximum results. As a Certified Nutrition Coach (CNC), I have the relevant knowledge and expertise needed to design and deliver top-quality, individualized nutrition coaching. Clients that commit to better nutrition are well on their way to success in their health and fitness related goals.


Certified Personal Trainer

As a Certified Personal Trainer I work with clients at all stages of their fitness journey.  From the new mom looking to get back into pre baby form to the seasoned athlete looking to take things to the next level you are in the right place.  We are all motivated differently and there are few things more enjoyable than the connection formed with like minded individuals looking to better themselves both physically and mentally.  If you need a little more accountability and motivation please consider my one on one personal training program. 

Thanks for reaching out!

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